Celebrities distribute ration bags to the needy

The pandemic has affected us in different ways. While some of us are happy working from home, there are people out there who can’t afford to do the same, owing to the nature of work. Those who survive on a daily wage have gone into quarantine just like all of us, so how will they eat?
Amidst this lockdown situation nationwide, celebrities are distributing ration bags to the underprivileged who cannot otherwise put food on their tables. Feroze Khan was first to kick-start this trend, and others have started following.Feroze announced it on his Instagram story, asking people if they wished to contribute and do good for humanity. He wrote:
Anyone wants to contribute in ration bags. It can be zakat also. I am getting ration bags made of basic necessities. Pls contact me if anyone is interested to contribute.
He managed to get 100 ration bags across to the deserving families, which a great start. A job well done, Feroze!
The ‘Teefa in Trouble’ actress Maya Ali also jumped onto the bandwagon and had ration bags made and delivered to her house for dispatch. She shared the photos on her Instagram yesterday, and captioned it:
This is the first batch of ration bags which has just arrived. It’s the right time when we should play our part and shouldn’t wait for others to come and save people.
We sure need to come together during these trying times and help those in need. Not everyone can survive a lockdown unless of course, we help them in some way. We can all do our bit, can’t we?
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