Bandish 2, Episode 13: It’s Rabail’s Turn!

Things have begun to heat up as Rabail is now the one having paranormal experiences, leaving Sameer with little choice but to accept Wania's belief that the house is possessed.
After Sameer has decided to take Wania to a psychologist when she told him about Hoorain scribbling the Hebrew script on the wall which she declined doing and told that it was her mother who did it instead. Sameer thinks its Wania who has a problem and not Hoorain or the house. In this episode Farhana Chachi meets Manahil at the gate and she out of nowhere asks who is that guy and when Manhil asks who is she talking about she replied she was talking about Rabail’s husband and leaves without going inside the house.
Hassam's doctor, Dr. Waqar, is the one Sameer and Wania are consulting. He is likely also struggling with psychiatric difficulties related to the color red.
At Wania's first session with the psychologist, she shows him the script that Hoorain had scribbled all everywhere and informs him that it is in Hebrew, asking him how a kid this young could understand Hebrew when none of them speak it. The doctor attempts to persuade Wania that she most likely has depression, which is why she thinks too much. When Farhana Chachi visits Baba Saein, she asks him to take action on Manahil and Armaan's proposal. He assures her that he will take care of the issue when the time comes.
The Doctor has also requested to meet Hoorain. At Dr. Waqar's, Hassam's sister-in-law saw Sameer and Wania and were concerned that they could have learned about Hassam.The Doctor has also requested to meet Hoorain. Hoorain initially strikes up a pleasant and cordial conversation with Dr. Waqar at their first meeting her. She confesses to him that she just has a doll as a friend. However, eventually she begins speaking to him in a male voice when he hypnotizes her. The male voice warns the doctor that if he informs Sameer and Wania about him, he would tell everyone about Hassam and would blame him for giving all the information about Hassam. Because she is a child, everyone will believe her, and this would prevent Inaam from giving him funds for his hospital. Dr. Waqar looks terrified after receiving such a severe threat, but he didn't inform Hoorain's parents about it, and Hoorain has no memory of what happened.
Rabail was home alone with the maid while her family was at Hassam's house to finalize the wedding dates. She was on a video call with Hassam when the light suddenly went out. When Rabail lighted the candle, she was startled to discover Hassam standing in front of her with a knife. In a fit of fury, he yelled at Rabail and demanded to know why she ended up in his life while attempting to stab her with the knife. When Jamila hears Rabail screaming, she enters but denies that the light ever went out or that Hassam was present.
Panicking, Rabail called Humaira to tell her about what had occurred. They all left quickly from Hassam's house. When they arrived home, Rabail told them everything, and Wania told them that she had been trying to tell everyone that there was a problem with the house. Sameer attempted to lighten the mood by assuring her that he would deal with the demons in the home and she would eventually leave the house after she gets married. While documenting the problems of his patients, Dr. Waqar can be heard talking about Hoorain's possession and the risks that it has presented to him. He seemed to be unsure about what to do. Sameer tells her mother that he would bring some maulvi when Rabail's wedding is over since he too has started to have second thoughts about the house being possessed.
The tale is now beginning to take on the eerie energy it was intended to have. The entire episode was so well done, and the scenes involving Hoorain and Rabail were enough to send chills down our spines. We now know that Farhana Chachi is after more than just the house, and her intrusive curiosity about Manahil and Arman's relationship suggests that she wants to arrange for Manahil to marry her son. We admired Amna Ilyas's performance as she tried to demonstrate that the issue is actually with the home and not with her. We sort of feel awful for Wania and hope that, now that things have begun to get worse for Rabail as well, Sameer takes serious action and understands that his wife doesn’t simply doubt everything. We loved the twist with Dr. Waqar; we're curious to see how he'll handle everything and whether or not he'll inform Sameer about her daughter's possession.
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