Bandish 2 Episode 5: The Evil Eye Is Real

Things start to get better after Baba Saeein declines to do his evil magic for Farhana, but Farhana Chachi can't stand Humaira's family being happy, so she's back at it.
The suspense and horror drama Bandish 2 airs every Friday at 8:00 p.m. on ARY Digital. Five episodes in, and it is getting rave reviews from drama fans. The drama is a horror and thriller story that centers on the tale of how long-standing jealousy and resentment in a family have led one member to turn to black magic. The previous season of Bandish, which had a different storyline was a hit among audiences everywhere.
The episode starts out with Wania (Amna Ilyas) and Manahil (Areej Mohiyuddin) continuing their efforts to convince Sameer (Affan Waheed) and Humaira (Sania Saeed) that what they saw could not have been just superstition as they both encountered something odd. Wania is certain that the house is haunted. Sameer, however, rejects their claims and labels them as superstition. Humaira attempts to convince the two that even if there is something in the house or the house is affected by something, they are organising a Quran khuwani which will finally purge out any negative energy.
Due to being late, Rabail encounters difficulties on her first day of work. Her boss made arrangements for her to be picked up and dropped off. She does, however, run with her ex-fiance at their first meeting who insisted on speaking to her despite her rejection. It appears that the new boss (Imran Aslam) has feelings for Rabail because he personally gave her a present because there wasn't an annual office diary for her since she had just been hired. When her boss noticed that Rabail was refusing to speak to this man, he confronted him and threatened to call security if he didn't leave.
Wania's sister, her husband, and their daughter—who is the same age as Hoorain—came to see her at home. After Wania explained everything that had occurred, her sister advised that they leave the house as soon as possible. When Hoorain and Guria (her sister's daughter) were playing, Hoorain led Guria to a spooky room to show her something while hiding behind a screwdriver. She appeared to be going to strike Guria with it, but fortunately, they were called for lunch. Wania overheard Hoorain speaking in an unfamiliar language while she was asleep. She asked Sameer to come over and listen, but he dismissed her suspicions by claiming that it must be something she heard.
As they have planned a quran khuwani and a possible proposal for Rabail could arrive on Sunday, Humaira asks Farhana Chachi (Zainab Qayyum) to come over. While the quran khuwani was going on, Wania got up to make food arrangements but for some strange reason kept staring at a room's door. She blabbered something about the door when Sameer inquired what she was looking at because he could tell she was deeply contemplating something when he saw her so engrossed. Sameer came over with a box of mithai to inform his family that he had signed his first contract for the factory after the Quran Khuwani when Farhana chachi was still there. Despite appearing to be joyful, Farhana was obviously displeased with this news.
Because she simply could not stomach Humaira's family celebrating and being happy, Farhana returns to her Baba Saeein (Salahuddin Tunio) and offers to carry out the task he had earlier requested in exchange for him performing black magic for her. Farhana is instructed by Baba Saaein to leave something next to any grave in the cemetery and refrain from looking back. When Armaan (Hammad Faroqui) arrived, Farhana was looking at the jar in horror and preparing to leave at night. She quickly concealed the jar in the cupboard. Armaan has a hunch that his mother is hiding something and that something is odd. Farhana completes the task at night, and we see an image of a quite unsettling lookalike of her sitting in the graveyard.
The episode was a terrific linking one where the dots are now being connected for the viewers to make sense of and relate to, despite the lack of terrifying scenes. Zainab Qayyum does a fantastic job portraying Farhana because she keeps it authentic with her outwardly compassionate and loving character, but her envy is still evident. We also enjoy the hint of spookiness when Hoorain entered the dark room. Since things are likely to grow worse as a result of Farhana returning to her Baba Saein, we cannot wait for the upcoming episode. What do you think is going to happen to Humaira and her family? Post a comment and let us know.
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