Habs Episode 17: Love After Loss

Things have changed significantly after Basit's mother passed away. Ayesha takes Basit to his mother's grave so he may express his sentiments as he is overcome with guilt and regret in an effort to ease his suffering. Bano is demonstrating her commitment to her career, but it appears that some in the company are not pleased with her progress.
Ayesha (Ushna Shah) and Basit (Feroze Khan) are the central characters in the complicated love tale Habs, which has been written by Aliya Makhdoom and directed by Mussadiq Malik . Ayesha is presented as a mature girl who never holds back and is incredibly independent. On the other hand, her mother (Saba Faisal) is a cunning opportunist who puts material gain above all else. Basit (Feroze Khan) too hails from a broken but a wealthy household. Basit's mother (Irsa Ghazal), left him when he was quite young and wed someone she loved because her marriage to Salman (Javed Sheikh) lacked love and compatibilty. After her mother abandoned Basit, he was left to question the legitimacy and sanctity of marriage. After his father's death, Basit was required by his will to get married in order to access his wealth. Ayesha eventually finds job at Basit's office. Out of urgency and desperation, Basit urges Ayesha to get married so he can access the wealth he needs to maintain his business. Taking advantage of the situation, Ayesha's mother skillfully manipulates Basit and uses this as an opportunity to gain monetary benefits from Basit.
The moment we had all been waiting for was shown in this week's episode. After Basit's mother passed away, Ayesha was compelled to accuse him of failing to give his mother an opportunity. She advises him not to pretend to portray himself as a good son when he wasn't there for her when she most needed him.
Basit too appears to be struggling with regret and guilt. Following the passing of his mother, he shuts himself in his room and becomes somewhat confused. Ayesha resolves to assist Basit in finding relief from his pain after seeing how her decision to hold him responsible for the murder of his mother is making matters worse. Ayesha and Fahad make an effort to support him in processing his loss. While the rest of the family is at Ayesha's, Zoya (Janice Tessa) and Amir are seen discussing how to elope. But her mother, Saba Faisal, is planning to marry her off to a wealthy, older man. Zoya is shown doing anything her mother commands her to. Although her mother is sceptical but she is also grateful that she is at least able to carry out her wish.
Basit is seen weeping in his sleep and perspiring heavily as Ayesha sleeps in the same room. He confides in Ayesha after waking up from a distressing dream, and she makes him feel better by staying by his side and offering him support. After Ayesha persuades him that visiting his mother's grave will help him feel better, Basit decides to do so.
We see the spark between the two as they converse and laugh and are finally seen opening up to each other like any relationship, it appears like Basit and Ayesha are finally becoming close. The two walked to the grave of Mrs. Salman, where Basit poured out his emotions, sobbing like a kid but also demonstrating his love for his mother and desire for her to be there for him. The sequence explains why Basit is the way he is and is so intensely heartbreaking.
Not to forget the scenes with subtle hints of Fahad(Mussadiq Malik) noticing Bano(Daniya Anwer) and seems to be drawn to her. We really await seeing Bano find true happiness.
The episode ends with Zoya carrying out her plan as her family is prepared for her wedding the following week. We don't know whether Bano would help Zoya get married to the person she wanted or cause further issues for her because she witnessed Zoya fleeing in the middle of the night.
This episode sent us on an emotional roller coaster, causing us to cry, get furious, feel sorry for Basit, and smile a bit more than usual. Additionally, it revealed more about Basit's personality and improved our understanding of him. Both Feroze and Ushna Shah excelled in this episode. Ushna Shah had a powerful performance as Ayesha, who was attempting to be the person Basit had never known. As for Feroze, his scene on his mother's grave truly brought us to tears. Kudos to Feroze Khan for showing us the sweet Basit, since we've been seeing him as this heartless, uncaring individual but seeing his frail side with such intense, heart-wrenching intensity truly demonstrated his versatility and acting abilities.
Daniya Anwer has done a fantastic job portraying her role from the start. It seems as though Bano is basically her because of how effortlessly and flawlessly she delivers her dialogues and uses body language to add life to her character.
What are your thoughts on the teaser for the next episode it looks like Basit and Ayesha will be going through some serious misunderstandings.
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