On Friday the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) let 52 employees go due to various charges which ranged from fake licenses, tampered degrees and a breach of the rules, etc.
The recent scandal surrounding PIA and the devastating crash, led authorities to further investigate the matter, disclosing how there were fake licenses for at least 140 pilots, who were then grounded by the National Flag Carrier after the shocking revelation at the National Assembly.

In a letter addressing all the employees, PIA’s HR department said,
“Discipline is the most important aspect of any organisation as it binds the employees and motivates them to follow the organisation’s rules and regulations. It is, therefore, important to appreciate hardworking and dedicated employees and punish defaulters found guilty after transparent and unbiased inquiries as per law,”
The letter discussed the plight of employees who were discovered to have tampered degrees and documents, prolonged unauthorised absences, a breach of SOPs and disobedience and official information being leaked online.
According to a PIA spokesperson, 11 employees were handed letters which commended them for their sincere services and hardwork. The Federal Government backs up the decision which is laying strict emphasis on following the code of conduct. Currently, all pilots on the staff possess authentic licenses.
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