All That's Going On With The Viral Uzma Khan Scandal

Uzma Khan is a Pakistani actress and model. She started her career with the film Waar and later appeared in the film Yalgaar. On-screen actress Uzma Khan who has become the most recent casualty of a viral video via social media, has been blamed for taking part in an extramarital entanglement with the "alleged" son in-law of the business head honcho Malik Riaz, which is being disputed.
Uzma Khan, who got popularity from the film "Jawani Phir Nahi Ani," alongside her sister, became the centre of an ugly dispute which ensued after Amna Usman, the woman whose husband was involved with Uzma, barged into her house and attacked her and her sister, posting the video on social media.
A short clasp of the video that as of late became a web sensation via social media indicated Uzma Khan and her sister Huma Khan being investigated in a video. The lady whose voice can be heard in the video cut cases constrained the two sisters to acknowledge taking part in an extramarital affair with her significant other. She took to Facebook to share her official statement.
“I have been shamed, blackmailed, harassed, been threatened to kill in the past three days. I feel I have nothing to lose now and I have decided to fight the strongest people of Pakistan,”
Uzma wrote. “For me, it is either I get justice or I will be killed but there is no turning back now.” According to Uzma Khan’s Statement she said, I have been blackmailed, threatened and harassed."
There seems to be a controversy involved if they caught them red-handed, man’s identity should have also been exposed, not just declaring Uzma Khan and Huma Khan. The woman whose voice can be heard in the video clip states to be the wife of Usman and is goading the two sisters to accept sleeping with her husband.
Alluding to the infamous video that has become a local scandal, the JPNA actresses reacted, 'since you’ve shamed me in front of the whole world anyway. Since I’m a woman and obviously the vulnerable and easy target, carry on but now I will fight till my last drop of blood', Uzma likewise said that she has registered and FIR against her harassers.
“I request Punjab police to register my FIR and conduct my and my sister’s Medical examination (my basic right) before our wounds start to heal. I hope I am as much Pakistani as Malik Riaz,” she concluded.
Ever since the video went viral on social media, Hashtag #UzmaKhan is trending on Twitter.
Meanwhile, barrister and human rights activist Hassaan Niazi took to social media sharing the details of the leaked video in a series of tweets.“This filthy tabloid has decided to hide the name of Malik Riaz’s daughter, who went into the house of Uzma Khan and Huma Khan. Their clothes are wet Bcz Mitti ka Oil has been thrown all over them. Usman is son is the law of the lady making the video. y only blame Uzma. Where is a picture of Usman”, he wrote in a tweet.
However, the situation escalates with ferocity as Malik Riaz takes to his social media platform to renounce his involvement in the case, stating that he is being maligned with ludicrous rumours and false statements, being completely unrelated to the so-called attackers or Usman himself. In addition there is a twist in the tale with Usman Riaz's wife, Amna Usman, releasing her response to the entire debacle.
Time can only tell what is to follow after seeing all sides, social media is booming with updates!
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