Maria B. was trending on Twitter after she posted an explanation video to clarify what went down with her family and their cook. In the statement given by the designer, their cook had been told to self-isolate, but he insisted on going back to his village.
Hamza Ali Abbasi, the opinionated, shared his two cents on the situation, saying:
Absolutely disgusted by the behavior of authorities and media who in this time of crisis are creating chaos and making false accusations.
He further added that Maria and her husband are good people who have been wronged, and shared the video where Maria and her husband are clarifying what all went down between them and their cook.
Other celebrity tweets followed.
Can the Police be more polite in Pakistan? Of course but don't blame them for doing their job. For those who dont know it is crime under PPC 269 & 270 to either negligently or malignantly do acts which you know are likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life. #Corona
— M. Jibran Nasir (@MJibranNasir) March 24, 2020

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