SOC’s animated short film ‘Sitara: Let Girls Dream’ has become the first original Netflix film from Pakistan. It has already won Best Produced Screenplay, Best Music Score and the Humanitarian Award at the Los Angeles Animation Festival 2019.
The short film premiered yesterday at the Nueplex Cinema, in DHA Karachi, attended by renowned names from the industry; Sanam Saeed, Ushna Shah, Ayesha Omer, Adeel Hussain, and Zahid Ahmed.
The fifteen-minute long short film, Sitara demonstrates the journey of a little angel Pari, who dreams of becoming a pilot. However, Pari’s father arranges her marriage with an older guy. The film concludes on a positive note, where we see Pari’s father encouraging Mehr, the younger daughter, to pursue her dream. Mehr, then, becomes a pilot.
It is a silent movie with no dialogues and highlights how burdens of a family keep girls like Pari from realizing their dreams. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, the mastermind behind the film, said in a press statement earlier:
“Waadi Animations is proud to create an animated short that is at par with the best of the world and we are delighted that Sitara will be available to a global audience on Netflix. We hope it will lead to thoughtful discussions as we also begin screening the film in schools and community centers around the world. We strongly believe that investing in the dreams of young girls will lead to a more equitable world.”
The short film is now available on Netflix. Go, check it out if you haven’t already.
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