The classic TV drama ‘Ankahi’ is returning with a theatrical adaptation. It was originally aired in 1982, featuring Shehnaz Sheikh, Shakil, Javed Sheikh, Jamshed Ansari, Salim Nasir, Qazi Wajid, and Badar Khalil.
Kopykats production has taken up this challenge to transform the 80s classic into a theatrical wonder. They have previously adapted Anwar Maqsood’s ‘Angan Terha’ and ‘Half Plate’, doing an awesome job, hands down.
This time around, they have chosen to work with Haseena Moin’s script. The rehearsals for the play will begin from today, and the drama is anticipated to hit the theatres on March 15th, tentatively.
Ankahi 2.0, as they are calling it, will feature model turned actress Amna Ilyas as Sana (the lead), originally played by Shahnaz Sheikh.
The play is based on middle-class urban family life, romance and relationships as portrayed in the original, with a few tweaks here and there, to connect it to the present context.
Director Dawar Mehmood is hopeful the theatrical version will be as successful as the original. Good luck to the entire team!
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